Patronal Festival
Our Patronal Festival was more significant than usual this year, because it was also our 30th Anniversary as a parish. (Not that this is such a milestone -one of my local colleagues has been a minister for 35 years...two of my parishioners have been married for 60 years- nevertheless, for us, it was significant.) We conducted our celebration in two installments: a Cookout & Musical Soiree (midweek), and then a Choral Holy Communion Service & Potluck Luncheon (on Sunday, August 24, Saint Bartholomew's Day).
The midweek Cookout & Musical Soiree was a mix of rain and sunshine (we are in the Puget Sound region, afterall). At least we had an outdoor Pavilion. The kids enjoyed jumping around in the Bouncy Castle, also sheltered by its own roof. Drew & Deirdre provided a Rib Roast, hot dogs & burgers, and other people brought salads and beverages. A birthday cake was provided for "Bob, Drew & Saint Bartholomew" (3 birthdays happened that week!) My neighbor's organic farm provided some extraordinarily vibrant Gladiolas. Bob & Diane put out a colorful array of balloons and table decorations. After dinner, some of the musical talent of our parish was featured: Claire (flute), Ruby (cello) and Josephine (piano). We are blessed!
The Choral Service on Saint Bartholomew's Day featured some of the new repertoire learned by our Choir at Choir Camp this year (see next post, below): The Service was Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena, and the Introit was O Praise God in His Holiness (Psalm 150) set by C. V. Stanford. It's so great to have such a good group of choir kids and acolytes at our parish, who are both willing and gifted, and who are backed up by good parents. As for the potluck after the Service: it was, well, normal (which for us means, bountiful and delicious)!
All in all, a wonderful week for Saint Bartholomew's Anglican Church, Woodinville, WA!