Friday, November 28, 2008
It was almost like being in an English Cathedral in one sense : a well-trained, vested choir, singing Evensong to a mostly empty nave! (The idea of Thanksgiving is still catching on here.)
But no matter : we had such a good time doing the Service. It was an altogether beautiful evening because of all the love that was poured into it by the Choir and dedicated volunteers from the Parish. It was a real sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, offered to Almighty God on the Eve of Thanksgiving.
The music performed was the Evening Service (Mag & Nunc) in E-flat, by Sir Edward Bairstow; Psalm 98 to a double Anglican Chant setting of G. M. Garrett; the Responses were plainsong; the Anthem was "A Gaelic Blessing" by John Rutter; the Hymns included "The day thou gavest...", "O Brightness of the immortal Father's face..." (Office Hymn for the lighting of the candles), and "All people that on earth do dwell...". On the last verse of the last hymn, which is to the tune Old Hundredth, Dr. Josephine played a grand alternate organ accompaniment by Bairstow.
Deirdre, Kathy and Claire collaborated on putting together some gift bags for visitors: each bag contained a card, some things to read, and a fresh-baked loaf of Hallah bread (baked by Kathy). Another nice touch was that Claire provided some authentic, spiced cider in the Narthex to warm our hearts after Service. I've never had anything like this at an English Cathedral!